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Dear Ann Landers,
'm an attractive 2 3-year-old woman with a great job, money in the bank and a wonderful fiance. You'd think I haven't a worry in the world, but I'm a nervous wreck because I don't know how to tell my fiance about my fetish. When I'm feeling really stressed or tired, I dress and act like a baby. I have adult-size diapers, rubber pants, baby pajamas, etc. I put these on, feed myself baby food from a jar and drink juice from a bottle. Then I fall asleep with a pacifier and a "blanlde." This soothes me because I imagine I'm being taken care of by a lov-ing father. I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to take on my responsibilities. I've had this fetish since childhood. I was an only child, and my mother died when I was very young. My father raised me on his own. The R f s i of Ann L anie a s 71 He worked long hours, so the only real chance we had to talk was at night. The first thing he did when he came home from work was dia-per me because I wet the bed. I stopped the bedwetting at age 12, and that was the end of a lot of attention from my father. I would occa-sionally wear a diaper under my pajamas, but after Dad caught me, he threw the diapers away and I no longer wore them. I am perfectly normal except for this kinkiness, but I know I can't keep it from my fiance forever. I just can't muster the courage to tell him, and I'm desperate for help. Please advise. -Twenty-three-year

Dear Ohio,
First, you are not alone. Several males as well as females have a baby fetish. In fact, a few years ago I saw five grown men on a talk show in rompers and baby bonnets, waving rattles and drinking milk from baby bottles. They all declared that dressing in baby clothes re-lieved tension and gave them a feeling of contentment and well-being. Psychiatrists with whom I checked said infantilism is not harmful, but spouses should be told before marriage about this fetish so there will be no surprises. P.S. A father who diapers his daughter until the age of 12 has a gera-nium in his cranium. But that's another letter.

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Our Reader to Reader Question of the Week:

Dear Readers,
, whatever they needed I provided. What really hurt my son and I the most was the obituary - we were not mentioned at all. Our friends (mine and hers) were appalled. I was embarrassed and upset for not just me, but for my son-who loved her also. I never been so upset. Her x-husband put his wife and kids and their grandchildren in the obituary, who my girlfriend barely knew. They live an hour away from us. I know its silly to be mad over a little section of the newspaper, but it still hurts. Will time let this devastating loss of her and this article ever go away? I am so angry at this whole situation, its not like we can go and rewrite an obituary notice.

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"Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies."
-Ann Landers