Dear Ann Landers,
Are you pregnant? How much income tax did your husband pay this year? How much did your draperies cost? Was that a wig you wore the other night? Sometimes I blurt out the answer because I can't think fast enough. Later I could kick myself. I am no match for her. Help!-Inadequate Dear In: The next reader has the answer you've been needing.
Dear Ann,
I was once a shy violet who felt an obligation to answer every question put to me. I have since learned that the person who has the poor taste or the pure gall to ask questions which are clearly none of his business needs to be put in his place. When a neighbor asks, "When are you going to have another baby?" or "How much did your living room carpeting cost?" I clobber her with this one-liner: "Why would you ask such a personal question?" It never fails to squelch the nervi-est and the nosiest.-New Me Dear New: Thanks on behalf of the meek. Although the Bible says they shall inherit the earth, it's nice to have a little protection until the inheritance comes through.