Dear Ann Landers,
how to address new relatives other than by first name. I have invented some words that could be incorporated into the lan-guage. They may take a little getting used to, but after a while, they will come naturally. This is what I propose: Stepson-ston Stepdaughter-staughter Stepfather-stather or stad Stepmother-stother or stom Stepgrandfather-stampa Stepgrandmother-stamma Stepbrother-Strother (or stro if you are close) Stepsister-stister or stis Stepcousin-stousin (or stuz if you are close) Stepaunt-staunt Stepuncle-stuncle What do you think about this, Ann? Once you get the hang of it, it could be terrific. -Ray C., Tulsa
Dear Ray,
I am aware that new words are added to the language on a regular basis, but somehow, staughter and stampa don't quite do it for me. As for stuncle, I wouldn't touch that one. Just because the idea didn't grab me, Ray, doesn't mean that some of my readers won't warm up to it. So, on behalf of those who want to try it out, I thank you.