Dear Ann Landers,
unt Jennie has many good qualities and the children love her, but she makes me so mad at times I could chew nails. Our four sons (between six and twelve years of age) are full of pep and they get into everything. Anyone who has raised children knows growing boys fall down, cut themselves, break teeth and occasionally arms and legs. Whenever Aunt Jennie hears that one of the boys has had an accident, she asks my husband, "Where was their mother when it happened?" He turns to me and says, "That's a good question. Where were you?" I resent the implication that I am derelict in my duty. How can I defend myself?-Irritated
Dear Irritated,
You don't need to defend yourself. Things happen to kids even when their mothers are present. The next time Aunt Jennie asks, "Where was their mother when it hap-pened?" tell her you were dead drunk in a beer parlor-as usual. That should melt her bridgework.