Dear Ann Landers,
hanks for running the letter about the couple who enjoyed beating each other as a prelude to sex. Please add two more to the list. My wife and I have been whipping each other for several years and it is a highly emotional experience. Your Delaware reader noted that the centers of pain and pleasure are not far apart. Surely you know that pain and sex are often inseparable. We tried straight sex at the beginning and it left us exhausted, frustrated and un-fulfilled. Now we have great fun expressing our primitive feelings. We look for-ward to these lively encounters. Even though we end up with scratches, teeth marks and purple bruises, life is much more exciting. I'm sure you don't approve but I hope you'll print my letter so the cou- 968 THE ANN LANDERS ENCYCLOPEDIA pie in Delaware will know there are others. WE LOVE CUPID'S STING