Dear Ann Landers, I read the letter from "Slow Boil in California," who resented the amount of time her husband gave his ex-wife. He apparently helped his ex-wife with her taxes, visited his ex-mother-in-law when she was dying and spent 20 minutes at a time talking to his ex on the phone, discussing the kids' grades and upcoming events.
I say, if "Slow Boil" wanted a man with no baggage, she should have chosen one. When two people have children together, that makes them a family whether they are together or not. That husband should help his ex-wife no matter how he feels about her, simply because she is the mother of his children. His new wife should not feel threatened by this. It can actually be beneficial to her as well as to his children if there is no hostility.
After a divorce, a lot of healing can take place when the ex-partners are civil and kind to one another. If there is no civility, bad feelings turn into bad words that turn into bad behavior. The children then learn by example to perpetuate hate and anger.
As a child of divorce, it has given my siblings and me great comfort to know my father still cares enough about my mother to help her out when she needs it and that we can still enjoy family events together. It has also made us appreciate our stepmother for being so generous and loving. "Slow Boil" should be thankful she found a man with a bigger heart than most. -- Grateful in Plano, Texas
Dear Grateful, You've written a letter that is compassionate and sensible. Because you wrote, a great many divorced readers may take a closer look at their feelings about their ex-husband or ex-wife and be less rigid and a lot more conciliatory.
Hi! It's Margo here. I'd love to know what you think of the letters -- and the answers!
Also, any additional thoughts you might have. Thanks!
Reader Comment
My sister was 'forced' to attend various outings and family get-togethers with her then significant other's ex-wife and grown children. She went along with this on a regular basis to keep peace with him and his 'ex family'. He was adamant about her not having anything to do with her ex husband (the father of her now grown son) and would get very upset if she was in contact with her ex. She took care of him while he was unfortunately growing weaker from his condition until he passed away. When my sister put one red rose in his casket, one of his inconsiderate and totally nasty daughters removed the rose
Elli's Comment
Give and take. You have to believe in the goodness you build to reach someone, somewhere. Unwaveringly.
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Our Reader to Reader Question of the Week:
Dear Readers, , “Put in my fare, Minnie. I haven’t got change. I’ll get it next time.” When we go for coffee breaks I get stuck at least twice a week. Yesterday she asked me to pick up her watch at the jeweler’s, neglecting to mention I’d have to pay $2.50 to get the watch out. I don’t want to be petty, but I can’t afford these small nicks. Help!-Minnie The Mooched On