, Advice by Ann Landers - []
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Dear Ann Landers,
"You are cordially invited for cocktails and dinner at Bill and Mary X's home on January 25. But you can't come with your husband. He must escort someone else's wife. You will not know the identity of your escort until he arrives. Your husband will soon receive a phone call assigning a date. But it must be kept a deep, dark secret. Of course you will be taken home by the man who brought you. R.S.V.P." I don't want to be a wet firecracker, but the whole idea offends me. My husband says it's novel and should be fun. What would we tell our teen-age children about such a party? Help, please.-Fraidy Cat


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Our Reader to Reader Question of the Week:

Dear Readers,
, both of which were ineffective. We had seen several doctors, and none was helpful. When I saw your column, I immediately wrote the American Enure-sis Foundation. To make a long story short, we ended up with a 30-day program and a safe electronic monitoring device. This proved 100 per-cent effective. We now know that our son has a sleep disorder and he needed to be trained to wake up from his deep sleep to go to the bath-room. Thanks again for bringing the American Enuresis Foundation to our attention. -Dry and Happy in Alabama

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"Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other."
-Ann Landers