Dear Ann Landers,
ast May my husband asked me if he could wear one of my housedresses while painting the kitchen. He said it would be more comfortable. I said OK. He did look awfully cute, and I told him so. Ever since that time he has been wearing my dresses and wigs and makeup when we are alone. He has asked me to call him Linda when we "play girl friends," as he calls it. I can truthfully say I don't mind. The only thing that bothers me is that he is prettier than I am. If we went out in public together, he would get more whistles. Yesterday I read an article on sex deviation. It said men who enjoy dressing up in women's clothes are transvestites. I do not consider my hus-band abnormal. He is very manly in every way. He just happens to enjoy playing this little game. Is there any-thing wrong with it? I'd like your opinion. HAPPY WOMAN WHO LOVES HER HUSBAND