Dear Ann Landers,
our column on zippers made me laugh. It also reminded me of my favorite story. Perhaps you'd like to share it with your readers. Last year we had a banquet to install the new officers in our organi-zation. Everyone was in formal attire. There were 200 people in atten-dance. When the chairwoman raised her baton to quiet the crowd and open the meeting, the zipper on her gown broke. That zipper went from the back of her neck down to her hem. She gracefully finished her speech and walked over to where the other officers were seated. They all re-moved their name badges and pinned her gown closed. She then pro-ceeded to chair the meeting without missing a beat. My husband, who is usually very reserved, said in a loud voice, "Now that's what I call a classy lady!" -I.K., Seattle
Dear Seattle,
The lady is not only classy, but cool-headed in the face of disaster. She gets my vote for woman of the year. .17 4 A N HI l \\ \\ III IIS