Dear Ann Landers,
have never written to you before, but I believe the following might interest you and your readers. I found it in an old magazine. It was written by Rudy Joe Mano. It Was Grandfather's Birthday It was Grandfather's birthday. He was 79. He got up early, shaved, showered, combed his hair and put on his Sunday best so he would look nice when they came. He skipped his daily walk to the town cafe where he had coffee with his cronies. He wanted to be home when they came. He put his porch chair on the sidewalk so he could get a better view of the street when they drove up to help celebrate his birthday. At noon he got fired but decided to forgo his nap so he could be there when they came. Most of the rest of the afternoon he spent near the telephone so he could answer it when they called. He has five married children, 13 grandchildren and three great