Dear Ann Landers,
Comeback Kid: "How was your birthday celebration?" Victim (she has seven seconds but doesn't know it): "Oh, I had a great day. Joe gave me an adorable puppy. He's just 6 weeks old. ... " Comeback Kid: "Fred did the same thing for me two years ago. And that puppy grew into the best and biggest dog we've ever had. We named him Brutus. He's so strong. And smart? You wouldn't believe what I've taught him. Just this morning, I was out looking for the paper ... " And on and on while Victim stands there, her unfinished sentence in shreds, along with her self-esteem. My suggested solution? Suddenly, look at your watch, mutter, "Ohmigosh, I'm late!" and run for the nearest exit. I'm sure those "Comeback Kids" are unaware of how rude they are. Maybe if you tell them, Ann, they will listen. Everyone who reads this knows someone who fits the description.
Dear Claremont,
I can think of more than a few people who fit the description, but of course, they don't have a clue, and if they were told, they would not believe it. Your letter, however, just might do the trick. Listen to yourselves, readers. The next time someone tells you about an incident that you can relate to because you have experienced something similar, do you jump in with YOUR story? Or do you listen patiently and save your story for another time? If so, you've shown real class.