Dear Ann Landers,
Roy's mother has been taking the boy to see his father in prison. Now, Roy wants my husband to bring the child with him when he visits, and my husband has agreed. I don't think it's appropriate for the boy to see his father locked up. Everybody whitewashes the situation and tries to make it seem like Roy is away at college. They tell the kid how nice the place is, how good the food is and how well the guards treat the prisoners. By the time the child is 10 years old, he will think jail is a pretty nice place to be. I am really bothered by this. I cannot do anything about Roy's mother, but I am shocked that my husband is willing to take the boy on these trips. I am afraid this child will never have a chance in life unless he can distance himself from his jailbird father. It's not as if Roy has turned over a new leaf. The last time my husband went to see him, Roy threatened to kill his stepfather. I have no doubt that he would do it. What do you say, Ann? Will these visits harm the boy? This is very troubling and is starting to cause a problem between my husband and me. Please advise.