Dear Ann Landers,
I need help -- fast. I have a very dear friend who will be flying to California next month to visit her family. She has never flown before. This woman is large -- I am talking nearly 300 pounds at least.
"Ruth" is not going to fit into a coach seat, and I am not sure she could fit into a first-class seat either. I don't want her to be embarrassed when she boards the plane. You know how cruel people can be about those who are overweight.
How should I approach her? Should I ask if she is flying first class? I don't want her to be humiliated, Ann. Thanks for your help. -- A Heavy Problem in the Motor City
Dear H.P. in M.C.,
Call the airline, and explain the situation. Ask if they would advise Ruth to buy a first-class seat or two coach seats. Then, tell Ruth you have heard that airline coach seats are getting smaller, and let her know what the airline recommended. It is important that she call ahead so there will be no surprises at the airport. You are a thoughtful friend to be concerned. Bless you.