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Dear Ann Landers,
y problem may sound as if the boys at Yale are pulling your leg again, but every word of this letter is absolutely true. Is it possible for a bird to get sexually excited when he sees a human being of the opposite sex undressing? I have a very close friend with whom I spend the night occasionally. Whenever I get ready for bed, she moves the parakeet's cage from the guest room (where I sleep) into the closet. I always thought this was rather peculiar, but I never said anything. Last week, I decided to mention it to her. She became irate and insisted that birds become sexually excited at the sight of undressed humans of the opposite sex. Is this true or not? -Never Saw a Bird Blush


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Our Reader to Reader Question of the Week:

Dear Readers,
, I have read several of your columns concerning teenage sex, and the question has been raised: Who are the more aggressive, boys or girls? I don’t know how it was in your day, but I can tell you that the girls of our generation are much more sexually aggressive than the boys. Ann, I am an 18-year-old high school senior and a member of the football and basketball teams. I am gay. My parents and most of my schoolmates, both guys and girls, are aware of this, and I am comfortable with myself. I cannot understand why the girls who know I’m gay still hit on me. They phone at all hours of the night, mostly with sexual invitations. My mother has asked a couple of the more persistent ladies to please stop calling. She told one, “My son is not interested in you.” The kids at school accept me the way I am. Once in a while, one of the guys will give me a hard time, but I have no problem dealing with that. The girls are another story. Just yesterday, one of them told me that she could “straighten me out” if I would give her the chance. I have a very special friend who is a student at the local university, and we are together a lot. We look like the jocks of the year and are very happy with each other. He also gets lots of offers from young ladies, and neither of us can understand it. Will you please make it clear that gay guys are not interested in members of the opposite sex? -Leave Us Alone in Santa Barbara

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"Keep in mind that the true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good."
-Ann Landers