, Advice by Ann Landers - []
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Dear Ann Landers,
If you are in bed and you hear a stranger in the house, stay in bed. Pretend you are asleep. Don't try to be a hero. Most burglars travel in pairs these days, and they are usually armed. If a confrontation does occur, keep cool. Remember that about 75 percent of all break-ins today are by people who are high on drugs or pills. They are desperate for money and will kill you if they have to. Don't argue or scream. Don't try to get to an alarm button or a phone. The smart thing to do is fake a faint and stay "unconscious." Nothing you own is worth getting killed for. The judge has already said I should spend from one to ten years with the Indiana Department of Corrections for my misdeeds. From where I see it-at the age of 21-the immediate future isn't too rosy. I hope when I'm free I'll still be worried about your house. Sincerely, -D.P.F., Cellblock 3-G


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, with her mouth open. Another time he took a picture of her washing the kitchen floor in an old bathing suit and tennis shoes. Last week Mom put a rubber snake in the medicine chest, and when Dad opened up the chest, the snake popped out and he darned near had a heart attack. There are five kids in our family, and we are raising each other. In case you haven’t guessed, they both drink a lot. Can you help them straighten around?-The Five J.’s

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"If you marry a man who cheats on his wife, you'll be married to a man who cheats on his wife."
-Ann Landers