Dear Ann Landers,
'm a single woman who works as a waitress. I get off at midnight and have to walk three long blocks from the bus to my apartment. Three of the girls I work with have been raped in the last six months. I am petrified that it might happen to me. I carry a can of Mace in my pocket and an icepick, too. Frankly, I doubt that I would have the nerve to use the icepick. As for the Mace, I don't think I would have the presence of mind to use that, either. Some articles on rape say if a woman is attacked she is better off to submit-that her chances of being beat up or killed are greatly reduced if she does as she is told and doesn't put up a fight. Other articles say just the opposite. I am terribly confused and hope you will settle this matter once and for all. I am going to follow your advice, no matter what it is.