Dear Ann Landers, friend of mine who is normally quiet-in fact, you might even say depressed-showed up at a party last week in very high spirits. I couldn't get over the change in her personality so I pulled her aside and asked what had come over her. She swore me to secrecy, took a pillbox out of her purse and showed me some capsules which she said had done wonders for her. I asked what was in the capsules, and she said she didn't know and didn't care. When I asked the name of the doctor who had recommended them she replied, "I got these from my cleaning woman. I wouldn't say a word to my doctor because he might not approve and I'd be down in the dumps again." I have never been one to take medicine. In fact, I'm one of those people who has to be dying before I will take an aspirin. I admit I am tempted to try these capsules just to see what they would do to me. Do you know anything about this sort of pepper-upper?-Need A Boost
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Our Reader to Reader Question of the Week:
Dear Readers, , and we want to give it as much exposure as possible. We hope you’ll print it. Here are 20 questions. Any woman who answers “Yes” to more than half is probably alcoholic. Do you try to get someone to buy liquor for you because you are shamed to buy it yourself? Do you buy liquor at different places so no one will know how much you purchase? '3) Do you hide the empties and dispose of them secretly? Do you plan in advance to “re-ward” yourself with a little drinking bout after you’ve worked very hard in the house? Are you often permissive with your children because you feel guilty about the way you behaved when you were drinking? Do you have “blackouts,” pe-riods about which you remember noth-ing? Do you ever phone the hostess of a party the next day and ask if you hurt anyone’s feelings or made a fool of yourself? Do you find cigaret holes in your clothes or the furniture and can’t re-member when it happened? Do you take an extra drink or two before leaving for a party when you know liquor will be served there? Do you often wonder if anyone knows how much you drink? Do you feel wittier or more charming when you are drinking? Do you feel panicky when faced with nondrinking days, such as a visit to out-of-town relatives? Do you invent social occasions for drinking, such as inviting friends for lunch, cocktails or dinner? When others are present, do you avoid reading articles or seeing movies or TV shows about women al-coholics but read and watch when no one is around? Do you ever carry liquor in your purse? Do you become defensive when someone mentions your drinking? Do you become irritated when unexpected guests reduce your liquor supply? Do you drink when under pres-sure or after an argument? Do you try to cover up when you can’t remember promises and feel ashamed when you misplace or lose things? Do you drive even though you’ve been drinking but feel certain you are in complete control of your-self? Be honest. If your score says you’re alcoholic, call the National Council on Alcoholism or Alcoholics Anonymous. They are listed in the phone book. DORIS S. AND JANE J. (alcoholic counselors)