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Dear Ann Landers,
n a recent column, you told "Carl from Akron" that you would never charge a child of your interest on a loan. Pray tell, why not? Most parents feel that charging their children a modest rate of in-terest on a loan is a generous favor, which indeed it is. Your statement encourages kids to get as much as they can for nothing. You also neglected to take into account that giving an interest-free loan deprives children of the opportunity to tap into their own inge-nuity and learn how to take care of themselves. And, I might add, a modest charge for interest discourages frivolous requests and encour-ages self-reliance and better family relationships. -Been There in Falls Church, Va.


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Our Reader to Reader Question of the Week:

Dear Readers,
, I am convinced that the kids from 14 to 22 (and single) are having more sex than the married couples over 35. What I’d like to know is this: At what age is it OK for a wife to say to her husband, “We are too old for sex. Please leave me alone.” Last night I heard that line for the hundredth time. Rather than have a fight all the neighbors could hear, I de-cided to keep my mouth shut and write to Ann Landers for an answer. Before you reply, I want to make it clear that I am not talking about hus-bands who are 50 pounds overweight, or the slobs who never take a bath, or the ones who get drunk every night I’m talking about husbands who are clean, sober and turn over their pay-checks regularly. So many decent men get shut off sexually by their wives in the prime of life and don’t know what to do about it. Small wonder there were more di-vorces last year than marriages. I’m signing myself-Just Another Animal (My Wife’s Name For Me)

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"Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and repeat to yourself, the most comforting words of all; this, too, shall pass."
-Ann Landers