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Dear Ann Landers,
y "significant other" (I'll call her Jasmine), after shacking up for two days with a former lover, suggested that we continue to be "companions." We were once married, but we divorced after a few years and have been going steady for nearly 20 years. We do not live together, but those who know us consider us a couple. We had agreed if there were a problem, we would discuss it and try to work out a solution. The first inkling I had of the affair was when Jasmine called me from the airport to say she was headed out to meet her former lover, who was only in this country for a short time. I did not ask her any questions about her plans, and she didn't volunteer any details. When she returned, she said there was no reason we couldn't continue our relationship as we had in the past, and that she intended to see the other guy three or four times a year. I told Jasmine she had no moral standards and that I wanted nothing more to do with her. She claims she cannot understand my pain and disappointment and sees no reason for me to be upset. Is this woman a sociopath, or am I missing something?


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Our Reader to Reader Question of the Week:

Dear Readers,
, I never thought I would be writing a letter of my own. But I am in need of help and have faith in what you say. A year ago, I was separated from my wife. The split was her idea. She has no intention of returning to me. We have a 4-year-old daughter I miss a lot. When my wife left, I was lost and unable to cope with life. I even contemplated suicide. Then, I was introduced to a nice girl. She saw how desperate I was and gave me good advice. She even suggested that I fight for my child-something I had never thought of before. Without her, I wouldn’t have made it through the months of suffering. I love this girl and want her to move in with me. My problem is that I am 27 and she is 13.1 know this sounds young, but she is very mature for her age. Her mother knows about me-but not her father. We both want to tell the world that we love each other. Please give me some advice. -Shorty

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"Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies."
-Ann Landers