Dear Ann Landers,
ecently you had a letter in your column from a church secretary who complained because the minister wore his hat in the office. That letter gave me courage to write about a gripe which is extremely annoying. My boss is bright, attractive, well-educated, and going places. At the close of his conversations with other businessmen he invari-ably says, "Bye-bye." I don't know what they think of this, but to me it makes him sound like a case of arrested development. I have discussed this with other secretaries and they agree it's ridiculous. Should I come right out and tell my boss "bye-bye" is no way to end a business conversation?-Ready To Flip
Dear Ready,
If your boss wants to express his own per-sonality rather than stick to conventional phrases, why should you become unhinged? Say nothing. If you just can't bear it another minute, go to his office and tell him, "Bye-bye."