Dear Ann Landers,
Your heart-warm-ing letter reminded me of those won-derful words by Robert Frost: "Home is where, when you have to go there, They have to take you in." I'm so glad I helped. Thank you for letting me know. Several times during these last 14 years, Walter has asked me if I ever cheated on him when he was in Korea. I did not and told him so repeatedly. Last year he became unusually persist-ent in his questioning. Suddenly I un-derstood why. He was feeling guilty about something. Well, I was right. Walter confessed that he and several buddies went to a Korean house of prostitution to relieve a physical need. That ended our marriage in my heart. I am crushed. I think about it day and night I don't trust him to go
Your atti- for a newspaper. I feel totally betrayed tude is immature and lacking in com- and can't shake this depression. Why, passion. Moreover, your inability to oh why did he have to tell me? Please forgive and forget has made you sick, help if you can. WHAT I DIDN'T I suggest counseling at once. KNOW DIDN'T HURT ME WEDDING BELL BLUES