Dear Ann Landers,
ou have done more damage to the image of the unwed father than anyone in North America. Our son is a fine young man nineteen years of age. Every time you print a letter from an unwed mother he shows it to me and says, "Why doesn't Ann Landers ever say anything good about us? We have a side, too." Are you so blind that you don't realize some girls run after boys, ply them with liquor, and offer themselves in such a way that no male could refuse? This is what happened to our son. Yet he was called terrible names and ended up with a black eye.-Mother Of A Good Son
Dear Mother,
I have yet to hear from an unwed mother who wouldn't rather have a black eye than what she was left with. Sorry, Mom, I don't have any good-conduct medals lying around for unwed fathers. And I don't have any advice for them either. They don't need it. The boy usually goes about his business, free as a bird. Nothing changes for him. And unwed fathers don't write to Ann Landers very often. They don't need my list of maternity homes.