Dear Ann Landers,
ou asked teenage girls to write and tell you the "lines" that were used on them by boys who were after sex. What a great idea! I'm no teenager (I'm 22) but I thought you might be interested in the "lines" pitched at me over the past sev-eral years. Some of them were hilari-ous, others downright pathetic. The adolescent, nonserious passes started in the seventh grade with games like Spin-the-Bottle and Post Office. Then there were those unfor-gettable Scavenger Hunts-with kids pairing off and wandering around in search of pink toilet paper and vegeta-ble sieves. The serious, for-real lines started in the ninth grade. My favorite boyfriend was best pals with a guy who dated the most popular girl in school. He told me she "did it." That, of course, meant "it" was the thing to do. When he dis-covered that strategy didn't work, he promptly switched to, "if you loved me you'd prove it." I told him if he loved ME he wouldn't make such demands on me. Finally he became adamant and said I HAD to give in because my stub-bornness was lousing up his maturing