Dear Ann Landers,
ou are all wet about wife-spanking. I've been spanking my wife for 10 years and I'm no bully. I adore the little woman and would never strike her in the face, or cheat on her the way some so-called wonderful husbands cheat on their wives. Women are not as smart as men and they need guidance. A female who is left to her own devices has a tendency to develop some mighty undesirable traits. A good hard spanking when she needs it is the most effective method of correcting small faults before they turn into seri-ous ones. I know couples who argue for hours and nothing is ever settled. Long, drawn-out verbal batdes can be nerve-wracking and time-consuming. Nothing clears the air like turning a wife over your knee and giving her a good sound paddling. If more men tried it there would be fewer di-vorces in this country. -The Boss