Dear Ann Landers,
esterday, I looked out of my kitchen window and could have sworn I saw an old cow across the way, munching grass between two houses. I was just about to shout to my husband and tell him a cow had wandered out of the pasture and to go put her back in. Thank heavens I was interrupted by a phone call. After a second look out the window, I discovered the "cow" was my mother-in-law wearing saddle pants. WAKE UP AND SMELL IDE COFFEE! 2 5 Three weeks ago, I was frightened by the sight of a tramp hanging around the machine shed. It was dusk, and I quickly locked all the doors. A few minutes later, I saw my husband walking toward the tramp. When they embraced, I nearly fainted. The "tramp" was his mother. To put it bluntly, Ann, the woman looks so down at the heels that it makes me sick. She also scares the daylights out of me. My mother-in-law is 74 years old, has plenty of money to spend and is in good health. What can I do about this revolting situation? -Fargo, N.D.