Dear Ann Landers,
hy do you point an accusing finger at any man who happens to prefer some article of women's cloth-ing? Some men enjoy a soft, smooth fabric next to their skin. Somewhere along the line men got stuck with cotton under-wear. I can assure you if men's silk shorts were not so expen-sive, they would outsell cotton shorts by the carload. Shortly after I married, my wife was making a dress for herself. We are both the same height. She asked me to put on her dress so 220 she could pin the hem properly. I like the feel of the silk dress and asked her if she would make one for me to lounge in. Now I have several lounging dresses, and they are much more comfortable than slacks and a T-shirt. I'm not a fairy and I resent the inference that any man who wears women's clothes is a little funny.-Dyersville, Iowa