Dear Ann Landers,
e have four normal children who are driving us abnormally crazy. The boys are stubborn and ornery. The girls are forever fighting and tormenting the neighbors. I say it's my wife's fault. Her idea of raising happy kids is to cater to them. She drives forty-five miles a day chauffeuring them to school and back, to dancing lessons, music lessons, and scout meetings. The neighbors complain because our children have ruined their flower beds, teased their dog, turned on their water faucets and flooded their lawn. I've told my wife she must stop pampering the kids. She says if children are allowed to get the deviltry out of their systems when they are young, they will grow up to be well- adjusted adults. How about this?-Pa
Dear Pa,
The kids will be lucky if the neighbors let them grow up. Where are you when all this nonsense goes on? These are your children, too, aren't they? Insist on some coun-seling. The school principal will direct you. Anyone who be-lieves that undisciplined children are happy is mistaken. They are the saddest kids of all.