Dear Ann Landers,
his is the hardest letter I have ever written in my life. I must write it because I am crazy with worry and have no one to talk to. My son is 16. He was arrested for molesting a 4-year-old girl. He is now awaiting trial in juvenile court. When the officer came and told me about the charges, I was so shocked I just stood there frozen-I couldn't say a word. My son was always a good boy, hardworking, honest and loving. He was the kind of a person who went out of his way to do nice things for people in need. He never gave me a minute's trouble. His father walked out on us when the boy was 3 years old. The lad started to take jobs in the neighborhood as soon as he was big enough to mow lawns and rake leaves. He was well liked by everyone but could never keep a girlfriend for very long. This bothered me, but I figured one day the right girl would appear and all would be well. My son admits doing the deed and says he doesn't know why he did it. It seems tragic to see a young, promising boy marked for life be-cause of one mistake. Right now I am so sick at heart I wish I could die. Please advise me.