Dear Ann Landers,
his is for the crazy lady who wrote to say she loves to watch her husband sleep at night because he looks so much like a little boy. Then she added, "I adore lis-tening to him snore. It's such a com-fort to know he's right there beside me." (That broad must sleep in the daytime.) For 24 years I have been married to a man who snores. If I turn on the light to look at him I'm sure the only thought that would come to my mind is murder. His snoring, under ordinary circumstances, is enough to shake the fixtures, but when he's had a few drinks he makes such a racket the peo-ple in the next apartment bang on the floor with what must be a sledge ham-mer. Several years ago we took The City of San Francisco (a great train) to the west coast. The people in the next compartment knocked on our door and asked if I could do something to quiet my husband. I said, "Yes, but it's against the law." Last year our family doctor suggested either a sedative for me, ear-plugs or separate bedrooms. I am now using all three. Pass the word to my sister sufferers, Ann. PEACE ITS WONDERFUL