Dear Ann Landers,
KNOW THYSELF QUESTIONNAIRE (Rate yourself from 1 to 10 for each "Yes" answer.) Ever gone out with a member of the opposite sex? 4 Ever been kissed? 4 Ever been French-kissed? 4 Ever been kissed while in a reclining position? 5 Ever gotten or given a hickey? 3 Ever been kissed in your pajamas? 2 Ever been kissed against your will? 2 Ever parked for more than an hour? 5 Ever said, "I love you"? 3 Ever said, "I love you," to more than one person? 3 Ever gone steady? 4 Ever been picked up by a person you never saw before? 7 Ever played strip poker with a member of the opposite sex? 5 Have you gone all the way? 10 Have you had the desire to go all the way but managed to keep from it? 2 Have you ever made a member of the opposite sex cry? 4 Has a member of the opposite sex ever made you cry? 4 Do you smoke? 2 2 6 Do you drink? Ever passed out from drinking? Ever lied to your folks about where you went or with 8 whom? Ever smoke pot? 7 Ever taken an LSD trip? 10 Ever considered the pregnancy route so your folks would have to let you get married? 10 Score Chart 9 or under: Queer or something: : 10 to 15: Pure as the driven snow: : 15 to 25: Passionate but prudish: : 25 to 35: Normal and decent: : 35 to 45: Indecent: : 45 to 55: Headed for serious trouble: : 55 to 60: In terrible shape: : 60 or over: Condemned: : Signed-Normal And Decent
Dear N And D,
I can't evaluate this questionnaire because each questionnaire should be evaluated on the basis of the individual scoring. Let me say it's darned interesting (though somewhat gamy), and I appreciate your sending it.