Dear Ann Landers,
teve is a fifty-two-year-old, hard-hitting, driven businessman. We have a lovely home and a fine family, but he is too busy to notice. When the stock market goes down a quarter of a point, he notices that, however. Three years ago Steve had a serious heart attack. His doctors told him he must lose forty pounds and quit smoking. He hasn't lost an ounce and he smokes more than ever. He has had diabetes for ten years and is all right when he remembers to take his medicine. When he doesn't remember he goes into shock. This has happened twice in the last six months. I've begged, pleaded, threatened, cried, but nothing fazes him. He still eats whatever he wants, smokes, drinks too much, and works fourteen hours a day. What can I do with a man like this?-Nervous Wreck
Dear Wreck,
Nothing. But you can do something for your-self and your family. See that his insurance is in order, and check with his lawyer to make certain he has made a will. 46