Dear Ann Landers,
lease, please, help a teen-age girl who is about to flip out. I had three dates this past weekend-one Friday night, one Saturday night, and a skating date Sunday afternoon. I need to know where a trend ends and nuttiness begins. I am talking about boys who are getting more girlish by the day. One boy asked to use my compact three times during the evening so he could comb his hair. He had a big wave in front and, I am not sure, but I think there were bobby pins holding it. My Saturday night date wore a jacket that was so fancy it looked like a girl's. I felt uncomfortable when he showed up in it, but I didn't say anything. The kid who took me out Sunday afternoon wore a shirt with a ruffled collar and cuffs. I thought it was his mother's. When I asked where he got it, he said it belonged to his brother. "I couldn't afford to get anything as nifty as this," he announced. The pants are getting tighter and the hair is getting longer and the clothes are get-ting fancier. Do boys want to be girls or what? Please tell me. I am beginning to wonder what all this means.-Miss?????