Dear Ann Landers,
ur twenty-two-year-old daughter is engaged to a young man we know only slightly. This girl has finished college and has always shown good judgment-except in the selection of her fiance. The young man has an apart-ment in a bad section of town. He frequently phones our daughter and asks her to come to his place. She dashes out the door whenever he calls and never returns before midnight- always alone. My husband and I believe the young man should not ask her to come across town at night into a bad neighborhood and then allow her to go home alone. Are we old-fashioned? Should we speak up or remain silent?-B. Cal.
Dear B.,
You aren't old-fashioned, you're just too late. Your daughter didn't get this way overnight. It's obvious she is so hungry for male attention that she will do anything to get it. As parents you have an obligation to speak up. Having spoken up, say no more. A girl twenty-two must (and probably will) make her own decision about when and where she will see her fiance. A young man cannot respect a girl who has no self- respect. He demeans her by asking her to come to his place. And she degrades herself by going.