Dear Ann Landers,
ur oldest son is thirty-three, unmar-ried, and in the Army. We've been hoping Everett would find a nice girl and settle down. Everett telephoned last night from Texas. He said, "I've met her at last. She's the loveliest girl in the world. We are getting married this weekend." I was thrilled. Then he said, "I think I ought to tell you she is preg-nant and that the baby isn't mine. But I want to marry her anyway." I thought I was hearing things, Ann, like maybe someone else's conversation was hooked into our line. I said, "Please, son, repeat that." Well, he said it again, the very same thing. Both my husband and I are in a daze. Is she trying to trap him? What should we tell our friends about the baby? Please help us.-State Of Shock
Dear State,
If Everett is thirty-three, he's old enough to know what he's doing. Hope for the best, give them your bless-ings, and wish him luck. (He'll need it.) In the meantime, the fewer details to family and friends, the better.