Dear Ann Landers,
ne of your female correspondents from Huntsville, Ala., stated with the ring of authority, that when a man's battery runs down, the reason is almost always "psychological." She then added sarcastically, "This is the line you've been peddling for years, Ann. Give me a break." A great many women are dumping impotent partners these days noi because their batteries are run down but because they won't do � The Best he Ann Laniieiis I 83 darned thing to recharge them. Perhaps too many nonperforming males think nothing can be done about it. They are wrong. When a man retains his desire but loses his ability to perform, it's not all in his head. It's a malfunction of some sort. Age alone does not cause impotence. If a man is otherwise healthy, his impotence can be remedied in a va-riety of ways. Please, Ann, tell these males to go see a really good urol-ogist who is up on the latest. If they want help, they can get it. PS. A man whose wife has died and who has been celibate for a pe-riod of time will almost certainly fail the first time he tries with another woman. This condition is temporary and calls for patience and en-couragement. -Vancouver