Dear Ann Landers,
y wife took a few lessons in voice before we were married eighteen years ago. The truth is she can't carry a note with a cosinger. Whenever we go to a party, Isobel gets a few beers and wants to give a recital. What Isobel does best is the hog-calling bit. She was raised near Ida Grove, Iowa, and won the county hog-calling championship for three straight years. When the party gets going good, everyone hollers, "Call the hogs, Isobel," but she wants to sing opera; they want her specialty. Isobel says it isn't dignified. Please tell her to be a sport. She thinks you're great and she'll listen to you.-Buck
Dear Buck,
Since I'm an Iowa girl myself I can tell you that a good hog-caller has something to be proud of. That "Soo- eeeey-sooey-sooey" bit is an art. C'mon, Isobel, give the folks what they want.