Dear Ann Landers,
y wife is one of the sweetest girls in the world. Delores has given me a fine family, and we have everything we could ask for. The problem is her drinking, but she's not a lush. After one cocktail Delores gets into argu-ments and says insulting things to her best friends. When she remembers what she said the next day, she goes into a depres-sion. After two drinks she passes out, cold as a mackerel. She never drinks at home-only when we go out. This has been going on for two years. Every time it happens, Delores takes an oath on her mother's fife that she will never touch another drop of alcohol, but when she gets out of my sight at a party, she's as good as passed out. What can I do to help her? -D.F.L.
Dear D.F.L.,
Your wife's form of alcoholism is unusual. She needs help. It's useless, however, to try to force help on people who do not believe they need it. When (and if) she expresses the need for help, suggest A.A.