Dear Ann Landers,
y wife is a great gal and we get along just fine. The only real problem is that Jessie is insanely jealous. I couldn't cheat on Jessie even if I wanted to (which I don't) because she knows where I am every minute, and I am never any place I shouldn't be. The other day I made some harmless remark about a waitress like, "That's what I call a built broad." Jessie blew her stack right there in the restau-rant. Last night it happened again. We were at a party and one of the guests brought her sister from Toledo. All I said was, "That girl should never wear anything but a sweater for two very good reasons." Jessie yanked me into the other room and told me if I didn't stop talking rotten, she would "take steps." Honest, Ann, I am just a fun-loving guy who doesn't mean any harm. If you have any suggestions on how I can get along better with my wife, I'd like to hear them.-Eight Ball