Dear Ann Landers,
y husband was open-mouthed, slack-jawed and almost turned gray overnight when I told him I wanted to hire a wood craftsman to design a beautiful chest to use in the family room and put some cushions on it so people can sit there-then, when I die, I want it to be my coffin. Besides being able to store blankets in this chest, I will know and become accustomed to my final resting place. I am a practical person. My husband thinks I am crazy. I also told him I want a private funeral, the most inexpensive one available, only wild flowers, and that he should not have me embalmed. I hate funerals and do not want my friends and family looking at me in that shape. .1 ") 4 AH LAN IIEIIS Do you think I am kooky? If I put this in my will, who should I give it to? If you print my letter, I ask that I remain anonymous. I'm in enough trouble with my family over this. The neighbors don't have to know. -Need Your Support in Oklahoma