Dear Ann Landers,
y husband and I have been married for forty long, boring, miserable, rotten years. I don't know how a woman of my intelligence and refinement could have chosen such a coarse, vulgar man. All these years we have existed under the same roof, although we have nothing in common. He loves dirty jokes, hunting and fishing, and plenty of sex. I am soft-spoken, cultured, and genteel. Next year the slob retires, and the thought of having him at home under my feet all day gives me a sick feeling at the pit of my stomach. I want to do some traveling with people of my own class. We are financially able to take some lovely trips, but he'd rather hunt and fish with his low-brow friends. I am still attractive 174 and could enjoy the companionship of a high-type man. Would a divorce at age sixty-two be such a terrible thing?-A Real Lady