Dear Ann Landers,
That color photo by Elliott Erwitt on the cover of The New York Times Magazine section created quite a sensation. I was wearing a strapless bathing suit and used three bottles of bub-ble bath. The first reaction was from Clifton Wharton Jr., then presi-dent of Michigan State University in East Lansing, and his lovely wife, Delores. They thought the photo was smashing. My readers, family and friends were delighted, not only with the photo but the splendid interview by the late Judy Wax. The only neg-ative comment came from Father Ted Hesburgh, president of the Uni-versity of Notre Dame. My friend, the Reverend, considered it "out of character and inappropriate, but not indecent." Once in a great while, something truly momentous happens in my life and I feel I must share it with you, my readers. You have been my loyal friends for forty years. The IIesi in Ah Laniieiis Here are a few of the special columns where my personal and public life came together: