Dear Ann Landers,
ast week I got on the bus and dis-covered I had no change. I didn't have any folding money in my wallet either, which was embarrassing. The driver smiled and said, "OK. Next time, Buddy." It dawned on me that this was the third time in three weeks I had been caught without change. Last night the mystery was solved. Half an hour after my wife and I retired, she crept out of bed, and with the help of a flashlight she emptied my pockets. I give her a generous allowance, and there is no reason for her to do this. Is she playing a childish game or what? I haven't said anything be-cause I don't know what to make of it. What goes-besides my change, that is?-Big Daddy
Dear Daddy,
Sounds as if the lady has a bat in her belfry. Tonight empty your pockets and place the contents on the dresser with a note, asking her to please leave you enough money for bus fare. And P.S.: Keep a couple of quarters in your shoe, just in case.