Dear Ann Landers,
t has been 14 months since my husband's sud-den death. He was 55. Ed and I were married 3 7 years and did everything together. Ed's fu-neral was the biggest the town had ever seen. But where are all those people now? The couples we socialized with for years have dropped me like a hot potato. Don't they realize that I'm still the same person, only now I don't have Ed? 3 2 II ANN LANDERS I joined a golf club. I volunteer one day a week at the hospital. But in the lonely hours I wonder what is the matter with me that no one in-vites me anywhere. I went with a female friend to a couple of singles parties, and we both felt out of place and would never go again. I've considered putting an ad in the shopping news to find a male companion to go to a movie with, or out to dinner. I love to dance, but I won't go to a ball-room alone. Men my age want younger girls. Ann, I'm ready to give up. Can you help me turn my life around? -Cleveland Widow