Dear Ann Landers,
wouldn't have believed it could hap-pen to me a third time, but it has. My youngest daughter eloped with a fellow she met two months ago at the beach. This gives me a perfect record. I am now the mother-in-law of three bums. All my girls are beautiful and have lovely figures. They are intelligent, hold fine jobs, and could have made good marriages. But no, they go for men who can't make a living and kick them around besides. My oldest daughter has left her husband three times since March. She is never without a black eye or a bruise. The middle girl came home with her suitcase and a broken collarbone. Her husband drinks and goes off his rocker every Friday night. And now my youngest daughter married a loafer who would rather collect unemployment compensation than work. Please explain why girls deliberately choose abusive and unworthy men?-H.S.M.