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Dear Ann Landers,
was very happy to see you print that letter about the toilet paper. It so happens I was taught, like you, to put the paper on the roller so it comes from under. My husband (a hot- tempered fellow with a serious booze problem) goes berserk if I don't do it the other way. You wouldn't believe the yelling if he should find the tissue "upside down," as he calls it. Thanks to Al-Anon, I have learned to accept what I cannot change, so I go along with it, but I know, deep down in my heart, that I am right. I am waiting until he is sober enough to read, and then, I will show him your column. He thinks you are very smart. -Another Admirer

Dear Ann,
You are right about the toilet paper-and for a very good reason. The roll of paper pivots about the line of support between the axle and the hollow cardboard tube. To get it to turn requires a certain torque, which comes from the tension in the paper being withdrawn. The greater the distance between the plane of the paper being pulled and the axle support line, the less force is required and the less chance of tearing the paper before you have enough. -Your Friendly Physics Prof Two years later, I was asked a related question:

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A Note from Margo:
Hi! It's Margo here. I'd love to know what you think of the letters -- and the answers!

Also, any additional thoughts you might have. Thanks!
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Our Reader to Reader Question of the Week:

Dear Readers,
, whatever they needed I provided. What really hurt my son and I the most was the obituary - we were not mentioned at all. Our friends (mine and hers) were appalled. I was embarrassed and upset for not just me, but for my son-who loved her also. I never been so upset. Her x-husband put his wife and kids and their grandchildren in the obituary, who my girlfriend barely knew. They live an hour away from us. I know its silly to be mad over a little section of the newspaper, but it still hurts. Will time let this devastating loss of her and this article ever go away? I am so angry at this whole situation, its not like we can go and rewrite an obituary notice.

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"Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat."
-Ann Landers