Dear Ann Landers,
was amazed by the letter from the girl who cut herself with jagged pieces of glass because she needed to feel pain and watch herself bleed. I thought I was the only one in the world who did that. It started for me when I was 15.1 was having a good time at a beach party when suddenly I wanted to hurt myself and bleed. I went off alone with a can of beer, slashed my wrist with the metal edge and en-joyed the pain and the blood. When the bleeding got heavy, I got scared and asked my friends for help. They thought I had tried to kill myself, but that wasn't true. I was taken to the emergency room of a hospital, had some stitches and didn't try it again for about three months. The urge hit me again when I was studying for an exam, couldn't understand an equation and got mad at myself. I took a razor blade and carved some designs on my arm. There was a lot of blood, but I put ad-hesive tape on the wounds and the bleeding stopped. I want to be a surgeon-sort of combine business with pleasure. Do you think I am crazy? Some of my friends do. Please reply. -Medford, Ore.