Dear Ann Landers,
resent your sarcastic reply to Cali-fornia Yell For Help, the woman who lashed out at the surgeon who removed her friend's healthy breast. According to you, it simply could not have happened. You said all sur-geons must do a biopsy first and that no reputable physician would perform such an operation unless the biopsy showed a malignancy. You as much as called the woman a liar. May I direct your attention to the word "reputable." I would not argue the point that the majority of physicians are reasonably honest, some are highly principled, and a few are totally dedicated, but that still leaves a number of knife-hungry scoundrels, not to mention chronic alcoholics who bury their mistakes and no one is any the wiser. So please, Ann Landers, don't try to give the public the impression that every physician who hangs out a shingle is incapable of error. Tell it like it is.-Calling Dr. Kildare