Dear Ann Landers,
realize you are Jewish. Armed with this knowledge and my familiarity with the culture from whence you emerge, it all figures. I take strong exception to the col-umn about canker sores on the lips of girls (I assume) who were engaging in oral sex. You stated that this type of VD is on the increase and warned your readers to "be aware." That col-umn would have been better had it never seen the light of day. What's more, I believe you could enhance your reputation (maybe it's too late now) and increase your readership if you devoted your efforts toward uplift-ing the nature of man rather than publicizing his frailties. This is an age of deterioration. Why should you contribute to the erosion just because you have a job on a news-paper? Why not use your power to up-lift rather than pull people down? Our goal in life is to assist in the develop-ment of society. That's why those who don't do their bit, no matter how little, always get it in the neck sooner or later. A REAL AMERICAN