Dear Ann Landers,
read your column every day and think your ad-vice is very good. That's why I hate to see you cop out and suggest "coun-seling." I've been to many counselors, ana-lysts, psychologists, etc. None of them did me any good. The fiTSt few visits they listen, look at the ceiling a lot, nod their heads and ask about your childhood. The next few visits they ask what you think should be done. After sev-eral visits they tell you to do what you think is best. This is advice? If I could depend on my own judgment why would I need them? Several months ago I called my doc-tor in the middle of the night I was desperate. I begged him to help me. Do you know what he said? "Come see me tomorrow." Finally I got smart and realized that for $50 an hour I could have a terrific vacation and it would do me a lot more good. So please, Ann, when people write for advice, give them your best shot. You might be the only one who is willing to speak out. AN ADMIRER