Dear Ann Landers,
have been reading a lot lately about the stress our children are under these days. I say, baloney. You are about my age, Ann, and I'll bet you will agree that we had it a lot rougher than the kids have it today. The Depression was so awful I don't know how we lived through it. There wasn't enough food in the house to feed us five kids. If the neighbors hadn't helped, I think we would have starved. I 3 h ANN LANDEIIS There were no jobs. Both Mom and Dad took any little piece of work they could find. I remember when Dad put in three days at a coal yard and was paid in coal, which he was darned happy to get. Kids today don't know what it is to be hungry. A lot of them get fed breakfast and lunch in school at government expense, which means by us taxpayers, of course. When Franklin D. Roosevelt became president he started the Civil-ian Conservation Corps, which was a godsend. What a brilliant idea! It not only helped rebuild our country but provided millions of young people with jobs. I was one of them. How many kids today would be willing to work that hard? Darned few, I'll bet. I look at my grandchildren, Ann, and they are cream puffs compared to what we were. They have it so much softer, it isn't even funny. I'll bet you agree with me. Please print my letter, and let me know what you think. -A Feisty Michigander